wEvenTix Events & Tickets

We sell your events and tickets!

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About our Services

We are your online event and ticket account manager. We sell your events and tickets online for you, allowing you to focus on what you do best

Attract Audience

Attract your audience with customized event and and ticket retail that is customized specifically to your brand

Increase Productivty

With wEvenTix managing your inventory you increase the productivity of your venue and talent relationships

Revenue & Savings

A larger audience and increased productivity results in lower costs for both you and your audience

Case Study

Study of a site redesign that originally attempted booking via paypal products
Tap or click to enlarge screenshots

Inadequate Functionality

Old booking functionality required customer to call first before booking because of missing booking features:

Intuitive Functionality

Multiple browsing and booking mechanisms make booking reservations painless on both desktop and mobile:

Get in Touch

‪(234) 303-0120

Open Hours

9am – 5pm Eastern M-F

Our Office

Greater Cleveland Area
Akron, Ohio

What we Do

Ticket Ecommerce
Attendee Engagement
Inventory Management
Event Reporting
Venue Identification
CRM Tools

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